“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by.”— Robert Frost

Image - Shubham Singh

The truth is, it isn’t always easy being the person who follows their dreams. It isn’t always easy being the person who does things differently, who chooses their own journey. It isn’t easy feeling like you are falling behind, like you are existing in a completely different lane in comparison to your peers. But instead of seeing that as a disheartening thing — you have to embrace the different lane. You have to let it motivate you.

And when it comes to following your dreams, you have to understand that it is so much more than quitting your day job and padding your life with freedom. Some of the greatest creatives and innovators in the world had day jobs. Henry Miller was a copywriter, and he hated it. But he did it because he knew that the security that came from a job allowed for him to pay for his apartment, and his food, and the writing utensils he used to pen his first novels. Maya Angelou was a cable car conductor. Vonnegut was a taxi driver. All of these greats did what they had to do in order to support themselves, but they never stopped elbowing their way into the world. They never stopped believing in their vision. They fought for it, no matter what life presented them with.

Because that’s the thing — life will happen to you. It will weather you. But it will never defeat you. You just have to know your purpose, and believe in it with ruthless conviction. You have to be your biggest fan, even when it is difficult, even when you feel like you’re not a shining example of success. You have to keep going.

So keep going. Keep going and remind yourself that there will never be a perfect time to do things differently, or to pursue something that genuinely scares you. Following your passion doesn’t work like that. It is constant work, not just physically, but mentally. You will have to do the hard things. You will break and rebuild. You will find your resilience. You will roll with every circumstance that comes up for you. You will move forward. You will push towards the person you want to be, and the life you want to live, because while following your dreams is tough — you will always be tougher. Just trust the timing of your life.💛